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    Conquering Interview Anxiety

    Anxiety is an interview killer…and a common problem. Job seekers have every right to be anxious about an impending interview. After all, the interviewer’s decision is dependent on your performance in the interview. No pressure or anything. Avoid letting your interview anxiety get the best of you with these helpful tactics.

    1. Have a game plan

    Choose an outfit that is comfortable and business professional. If you aren’t familiar with the location of the interview, give yourself plenty of time to find it or do a trial run a day or two before. It’s always best to show up to an interview early to give yourself time to find the office. It’s better to be sitting in the lobby early than be 10 minutes late to your interview.

    2. Practice, practice, practice

    Prepare your answers to common interview questions. Don’t write them down word-for-word, instead, remember your general speaking points for each question. Practice in front of a mirror answering questions on the spot and then revise your answers. Every bit of preparation that you can do will help to increase your comfort level and make you feel more confident and capable in the interview.

    3. Do your research

    Before an interview, it’s always a good idea to do some research on a company. What do they do? What are their core values and mission? By knowing this information, you can align your answer to the values and mission of the company. In fact, a common interview question is “why do you want to work for this company”. If you do your homework, preparation will lead to more confidence and confidence puts you in command.

    4. Be prepared. Bring everything you might need

    There’s nothing worse than showing up to a resume empty-handed or forgetting something the interviewer asked for. Bring everything that you think you might need, such as the following:

    • resume
    • cover letter
    • business cards
    • references
    • licenses
    • certifications
    • a pen and notepad

    5. Take your time

    It’s not a race. You don’t have to answer the questions quickly! Take your time and gather your thoughts before answer. A pro tip: if you are worried about drawing a blank when a question is asked, start taking notes and tell the interviewer that you want to finish your note and then you will answer. This gives me even more time to gather your thoughts and craft the perfect answer to the question.