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    Project Spotlight: National Survey of Family Growth

    As a trusted data collection partner, Headway supports studies on a wide range of topics. We are especially honored when we are able to work on a project that impacts positive social change.

    Recently, Headway provided field interviewers for the National Survey of Family Growth which collects information on family life, marriage and divorce, pregnancy, infertility, use of contraception, and men’s and women’s health. Several federal and state departments including the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services use the survey results to plan health services and health education programs in our very own communities.

    The NSFG provides accurate national statistics on critical issues such as:

    • People making choices about school, work and having a family
    • Women looking for a safe and effective way to space their children
    • Health care that men and women get, including family planning and reproductive health
    • The risk for sexually transmitted infections

    The data gathered for the National Survey of Family Growth has established a correlation between sexual orientation and serious health risk behaviors. Yet, the survey disproved the myth that couples living together before marriage increases the likelihood of divorce.

    Be a part of the change with Headway. Apply for survey researcher and field interviewer positions here:

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