Headway’s Partnership with RAND PHRESH
Headway in Research, a division of Headway Workforce Solutions, partners with many social science research companies across the United States to fill various field data collection positions. One of our most prominent partnerships is with the RAND Corporation and their project called the Pittsburgh Hill/Homewood Research on Eating, Shopping and Health (or “PHRESH”). Headway has been staffing the data collectors, the office assistant and the field coordinator for the PHRESH studies since 2013.
What is PHRESH?
PHRESH is actually suite of research studies that take place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The studies explore how neighborhood changes influence resident health and well-being, specifically diet, physical activity, sleep, and heart health. The study works to interview residents in their homes, collect dietary recalls, measure physical activity with a wrist-activity meter, take blood pressure, height and weight, send participants to get their blood drawn, and test them for sleep apnea. RAND also conducts period observational audits of neighborhood streets, greenspaces and parks, exercise facilities, food stores and restaurants.

Across the studies, RAND looks to understand how putting a grocery store in a former food desert, building new housing developments and renovating parks and greenspaces influences resident diet, physical activity, sleep and overall well-being. They hope to collect data that can be used by the Hill District and Homewood communities, as well as by national and local policy makers to improve overall health and well-being in these Pittsburgh neighborhoods and around the country.

PHRESH is the largest study ever in the United States to try to answer these questions. It will provide valuable information on issues that are important to the Homewood and Hill District residents and community.
Headway hired and staffed qualified data collectors who live in, or have very strong ties to the two communities where residents live for the RAND PHRESH projects. We are glad to share this partnership with RAND, as our expertise lies in identifying, screening, and recruiting staff members in survey research fields. This allows RAND to focus on the project while Headway handles the nuances of recruiting and staffing for their team.
Source: http://www.rand.org/health/projects/phresh.html, http://www.rand.org/health/projects/phresh-plus.html
Article Contributions By: Jordan Eller and Jennifer Sloan from RAND Corporation