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    How to Get a Job in 10 Days

    There are plenty of jobs being offered every day!

    Your neighbor, your best friend from college, heck, even the guy in the cubical next to you have found jobs quickly.

    It seems like it’s always someone else but never you, right? Well, after recruiting for a number of years, I’ve decided to share some of our biggest secrets. Below are some tips on How to Get a Job in 10 Days!

    Step 1) Know the Job

    Make sure you know exactly what the job is before you apply for it. If you can’t pronounce it or can’t define it, it may not be the job for you.

    Step 2) Do your research

    Once you find that job, do your research. Take some time to research the position and the company to get an idea of what their values are and what your day-to-day responsibilities would be.

    Step 3) ALWAYS proofread.

    Step 3) ALWAYS proofread.

    This comes into play when you are submitting your cover letter, application and resume. If you cannot take the time to review your resume before you send it over, the chances are pretty slim that they will call you in for an interview. After all, your resume is the employer’s first impression of you. Make it a great one!

    Step 4) Be persistent and follow up

    Following up means sending an email or making a phone call letting them know you submitted an application and that you are still interested. Let the employer know that you are proactive and determined!

    Step 5) Pick up the phone!

    If you receive a call from a number you are not familiar with, more than likely that is the employer reaching out for an interview. Answer the phone with a greeting and remember that when applying for jobs, it’s important to make sure your voicemail recording is appropriate and that your inbox is not full so the employer can leave a voicemail if necessary.

    Step 6) Prepare

    Think of questions that you would be asked and prepare yourself for them. Employers are interested in your personality and hobbies, but they care most about your work ethic. Also, map out the location of your interview so you have plenty of time to arrive early. If you are completing a video interview, make sure the interview software works ahead of time and always plan to dress professionally as well. Finally, ALWAYS bring at least one copy of your resume. One for the employer to review and one for you to look off of when discussing your experience.

    Step 7) Be confident

    During the interview, be confident in your responses, be honest and make eye contact. Provide background details of your experience because we’re always looking for the specifics. Build on common interests too. It doesn’t hurt if you and the employer share a common interest in the local NFL team!

    Step 8) Write a Thank You Card

    After your interview, regardless of how you felt, send a hand-written thank you card. Whether you keep your notes in your purse or car and hand it to the receptionist before you leave the building or you mail it the next day, sending a hand written note shows them how grateful you were for them taking time out to speak with you and gives them something to remember you by. If your interview was over a video, sending an email works as well. It definitely helps you stand out!

    Step 9) Repeat step four.

    Be persistent! If you haven’t heard anything, remind them that you’re ready to go and that you are extremely interested.

    Step 10) Complete Your New Hire Paperwork

    If you made it through this entire process, complete your new hire paperwork in a timely manner so they can bring you in and get started. Most people think that the process ends after they call you with an offer, but the new hire documentation should never be ignored. It’s not worth spending days/weeks going through the hiring process and not completing this last step.

    What has been successful for you in the job search? Comment below!

    Article Contributions By: Caitlin Yelenic

     Coming up next week – How to Nail a Phone Interview