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    Why Research? Why now?

    More than ever we rely on research to properly direct our businesses, government, and social structures in a favorable direction. The tides that turn, as they say, make these research fields imperative to growth in these industries.

    Why research? Why now, you ask? In the past few years alone, we have seen major changes in political and social climates, as well as advancements in technology that cultivate collaborative ideas and mainstream sharing. These changes are important. To follow the trends, the ebbs and errs, and to document them, is to stay ahead of the curve. How do big Fortune companies know what their next drastic move should be, or policymakers, which decisions to adapt?

    Projects that Headway has worked on have both direct and indirect influence on a vast amount of these judgments. Field interviewers play an integral part in the data collection process in which influences decision making. Between management of communication between interviewees, collecting accurate data and ensuring the legitimacy through legitimate practices, such as confidentiality and professionalism, field interviewers are the keystone element in market successes.DC

    In the political realm, especially with the election season ramping up, social science research is gaining more and more traction. Political consulting firms, canvassing companies, and grassroots campaigns are finding more and more need to hire canvassers and data collectors to either get out the vote or gain distinction for respective causes.

    In addition to that, social science research is used to improve the status of practices being implemented in our schools, businesses, and communities. Research fields can be used to identify specific needs of communities and may also help develop procedures in order to improve the status of current problems.

    Luckily, the field will not be slowing down any time soon. As the market continues to change, the need for field interviewers grows. Headway is known for its nationwide workforce. An attribute of usable research is the validity of the studies in question and the experience of field interviewers that Headway currently employs and recruits constantly nationwide, is unwavering.